Saturday, December 18, 2010

Top Ten TV Series of 2010

Ok, I'll admit it, I like TV. I enjoy a lot of different shows in several different genres. So, I thought I would give my top ten shows of 2010 to catalog my year in TV watching. I feel that TV at its best can be creative, entertaining, and showcase genuine human emotions. Just like a good book or good music, TV done well can really be enlightening. And, of course there are other shows that are just good entertainment. With this list, I've decided to restrict it to the new episodes that aired in 2010. I really got into Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel this year, but since they are old shows that I watched on DVD, I'm not going to count them on this list. I loved watching several classic episodes of The Office, but thought their new episodes this year were not quite up to the same caliber, so that show isn't included. I hope that clears up the list!

(WARNING: There are spoilers throughout this list, so don't read my description of each show unless you're caught up or you never plan on watching it.)

10. Flashforward
This sci-fi show only lasted one season, but I thought it was really well done during that season, especially the second half that aired at the beginning of the year. There were many compelling mysteries and fascinating characters (including Simon played by Dominic Monaghan). The finale was especially good when we finally got to see the flashforward play out in real time where certain things people had seen from their future came true exactly, but many were different than they expected. There was a cool question running through the show if we can change our future or if it is set in stone. Unfortunately this great little show was canceled, but I won't forget what I consider an excellent season of TV.

9. Chuck
Chuck was a new show I discovered this year. After always being intrigued because it came on right before Heroes, I decided to finally rent the first season on netflix. What followed was an extremely entertaining spy comedy featuring a very likable and relatable lead character. This latest season is keeping the quality up to the same level as always with a great new character of Chuck's mom played by the original Sarah Conner (Linda Hamilton). I really love the dynamic of this group and seeing to relationship of Chuck and Sarah develop. This show is just too much fun!

8. Community
Ok, this is a very recent addiction of mine. This is the epitome of fun TV. It is hilariously funny and the characters all play off of each other brilliantly. It is often absurd and ridiculous, but that is all part of the fun. I really have only watched the last few episodes of season 2, but I can already tell this show is going to have a place in my heart. It can often also be oddly heartwarming. In a recent episode, a character was celebrating his 21st birthday in a bar so he could have his first drink. After seeing all his other friends acting horribly under the influence of alcohol, he decides to forgo the drink and just take everybody home. A simple but important message that I was surprised to see on network TV. I can't wait to catch up on all the episodes I haven't seen yet!

7. Glee
This is my guilty pleasure show. Anyone who knows me would not predict that I would like this show. But, there is just something so contagious and fun about it. I love the musical numbers and the diversity of the cast. I love the quirky humor that is constant throughout every episode. Sue Sylvester is an absolute classic TV character and oftentimes there is a lesson to be learned. I'll admit that recently Glee has been straddling the line a little too much between appropriate and inappropriate. But, the majority of new episodes that aired this year were glee-ful fun for me.

6. Survivor: Heroes Vs. Villains
Survivor is my absolute favorite reality show and this may be my favorite all time Survivor season. There was just so much to love about it. The battle between Russell and Rob. Parvati giving out not one by two hidden immunity idols during tribal council to protect her alliance. J.T. giving away his hidden immunity idol to the absolute last person you'd ever want to do that to- Russell. It was all awesome and ended fairly satisfying with a final three that all deserved to win. The current Survivor season has been a little disappointing, but Heroes Vs. Villians was a great example of why I love Survivor so much.

5. Modern Family
Absolutely the best comedy on television right now. Somehow this show is able to really accurately portray real family issues. It can be hilariously funny at one moment and then heartfelt and poignant the next. What places this show so high for me on the list is that I was able to get my family into this show. It is often hard for me to convince my family to watch a new show (they always say they already have too many shows to watch), but they took a chance on this and now I'd say it is our number 1 family show. There are so many memorable moments, so it is impossible to list them out here. But, every one of the three little families focused on in this show has their moments. Brilliant comedy.

4. The Walking Dead
This is a new show I discovered when there was some buzz about it around Halloween. I decided to give the pilot episode a chance even though I'm not a big horror or zombie fan. What followed was one of the most compelling and interesting hours of television I have ever watched. Beyond all the gory zombies, this show centers on a group of survivors who are trying to figure out how to get by in the worst of circumstances. There are satisfying twists, multi dimensional characters, and fantastic visuals. It feels as if you are watching a movie. I was able to get my dad and sister hooked on this and the first season (only six episodes!) was truly awesome. I can't wait for more next year.

3. Dexter
Season 4 of Dexter is one of the best seasons of TV ever. So, it was always going to be a challenge to have a successful season 5. I'll admit that season 5 did not reach the brilliance of season 4, but it still left me on the edge of my chair. I loved the character of Lumen and the complicated relationship she has with Dexter. Deborah also had a really great season, culminating in almost finding out about her brother's true nature. I felt the season was very satisfying and I can't wait for what they'll do in the next season!

2. Fringe
This is such an awesome show! I started watching in season 1, but didn't really get hooked. But, over the summer I decided to pick up the second season, and I was blown away. This is one of the best sci-fi shows ever made. The current third season is the best season so far. The alternate world storyline is so interesting and compelling. I love all three of the main characters and I love the versions of them in the alternate world and the little differences in the alternate world. There is a real heart to the show as well, and it is fascinating to see what unique cases they will deal with next. I am absolutely in love with this show and will be heart broken if it gets canceled.

1. Lost
There are no words to describe how perfect I think this show is. Lost will forever be my all-time favorite show. What really makes it so great, I think, are the characters. This is the best cast ever assembled. Getting a look into their characters through flashbacks was an incredible way of really connecting to them. Yes, there is a lot of incredible plot twists and great island mythology that is really fun to think and theorize about. But, in the end, it was all about the characters and how the show was a significant journey for them. The most important part of their lives was the time they spent together and so they move on to the next life together. It was a poignant and moving ending, and I was literally in tears throughout the whole finale. Absolutely perfect in every way.

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